Many elements in Teigha BIM contain B-Rep geometries in GElement, which is a geometry cache of an element. However, B-Rep is not a universal format. Each product has a specific representation of B-Reps.
An overview of B-Reps and BIM specifics can be found in the documentation (login required).
Outputting B-Rep data using OdaBimApp
_BrBrepDump_func in the \Examples\TB_DevGuideCommands folder is a sample from the documentation and can be used to output B-Rep data.
- Run OdaBimApp
- Load DevGuideCommands.tx
- Run the BrBrepDump command (Edit->Registered Commands->TBDevGuideCommands->BrBrepDump)
B-Rep data outputs in the console.
This is a good way to parse data of a BIM B-Rep, but BIM data structure must be considered.
Using BrBrep classes
BrBrep classes provide a general interface for different B-Rep representations.
This interface is used for Teigha BIM, .dgn files (Siemens ParasolidĀ®), and .dwg files (Spatial ACISĀ®). It is a general interface for customers, but each product has an implementation which works with product-specific data. The interface converts internal data to the interface needed, but you can use the same code for different B-Rep data in different Teigha products.
_BmBrepDump_func in the \Examples\TB_DevGuideCommands folder is a sample of using BrBrep classes.
void _BmBrepDump_func(OdEdCommandContext* pCmdCtx)
OdBmCommandContextPtr pDbCmdCtx(pCmdCtx);
OdBmDatabasePtr pDb = pDbCmdCtx->database();
OdSmartPtr<OdEdBaseUserIO> pIO = pDbCmdCtx->userIO();
OdInt32 iHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter id of an element for dumping:", OdEd::kInpDefault, -1);
if (iHandle > -1)
// Get object
OdBmElementPtr pElem = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(OdUInt64(iHandle))).safeOpenObject();
// Get object's geometry
OdBmObjectPtr pGeom = pElem->getGeometry();
if (pGeom->isA() == OdBmGElement::desc())
OdBmGElement* pGElem = dynamic_cast<OdBmGElement*>(pGeom.get());
//Get nodes
OdBmGNodePtrArray nodes;
//Test all nodes until OdBmGeometry found or all nodes verified
for (OdUInt32 iIdx = 0; iIdx < nodes.size(); ++iIdx)
if (nodes[iIdx]->isA() == OdBmGeometry::desc())
const OdBmGeometry* pGeometry = dynamic_cast<const OdBmGeometry*>(nodes[iIdx].get());
OdString message;
// Get faces
OdBmFacePtrArray faceNodes;
message.format(L"Number of faces is %x", faceNodes.size());
// Use Face Iterator to iterate all faces of the object
int faceNum = 0;
for (OdBmFacePtrArray::iterator faceIt = faceNodes.begin(); faceIt != faceNodes.end(); ++faceIt)
message.format(L"Face %x", faceNum);
// Get first EdgeLoop of a face
OdBmFacePtr pFace = *faceIt;
OdBmGEdgeLoopPtr pFirstEdgeLoop = pFace->getFirstLoop();
if (pFirstEdgeLoop.isNull()) //it is possible
int loopNum = 0;
OdBmGEdgeLoopPtr pNextEdgeLoop = pFirstEdgeLoop;
while (!pNextEdgeLoop.isNull())
message.format(L" Loop %x", loopNum);
// Get first edge in loop
OdBmGEdgeBase* pNext = pNextEdgeLoop->getNext();
int edgeNum = 0;
while (!pNext->isLoop())
OdBmGEdge* pGEdge = dynamic_cast<OdBmGEdge*>(pNext);
bool bForvardDir = true;
int iEdgeForFace = 0;
OdBmFace* pFaceInt = pGEdge->getFacesItem(iEdgeForFace);
if (pFaceInt != pFace.get())
pFaceInt = pGEdge->getFacesItem(1);
if (pFaceInt == pFace.get())
bForvardDir = false;
iEdgeForFace = 1;
if (pGEdge->isFlipped())
bForvardDir = !bForvardDir;
// Get start and end points of the Edge
OdGePoint3dArray egepnts;
if (bForvardDir)
message.format(L" Edge %i points: [%f , %f , %f], [%f , %f , %f]", edgeNum++, egepnts[0].x, egepnts[0].y, egepnts[0].z, egepnts[1].x, egepnts[1].y, egepnts[1].z);
message.format(L" Edge %i points: [%f , %f , %f], [%f , %f , %f]", edgeNum++, egepnts[1].x, egepnts[1].y, egepnts[1].z, egepnts[0].x, egepnts[0].y, egepnts[0].z);
// Go to next edge in loop
pNext = pGEdge->getNextItem(iEdgeForFace);
catch (const OdError& err)
message.format(L"%ls", err.description().c_str());
}//while (!pNext->isLoop())
pNextEdgeLoop = pNextEdgeLoop->getNextLoop();
}//while (!pNextEdgeLoop.isNull())
}//for (OdBmFacePtrArray::iterator faceIt = faceNodes.begin(); faceIt != faceNodes.end(); ++faceIt)
}//if (nodes[0]->isA() == OdBmGeometry::desc())
}//for (OdBmGNodePtrArray::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it)
}//if (pGeom->isA() == OdBmGElement::desc())
}//if (iHandle > -1)