ODA DWG-DXF Converter

For converting between different versions of .dwg and .dxf


OpenSUSE11.2/Ubuntu 20.10 x64 or later. GLIBC version 2.28 or higher is required. Now Qt runtimes are integrated into the packages!

RPM packages: Use system software to install, for example sudo yum localinstall --skip-broken ODADrawingsExplorer_QT6_lnxX64_8.3dll.rpm.   
Note that it is required to skip false broken dependecies (--nodeps option for rpm)   
When installing several products of the same version, it may require using console to force resolving conflicts (sudo rpm -i --replacefiles ODADrawingsExplorer_QT6_lnxX64_8.3dll.rpm).

DEB packages: Use system software to install, for example sudo gdebi ODADrawingsExplorer_QT6_lnxX64_8.3dll.deb, from the terminal command line. You may need superuser privileges to install.

Modern Linux such as Ubuntu 22/Fedora37 also require to install/symlynk libxcb-util.so.0 library (they usually contain libxcb-util.so.1 now). It can be fixed quickly as following:

cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu (Ubuntu)   
cd /usr/lib64 (Fedora)   
sudo ln -s libxcb-util.so.1 libxcb-util.so.0

AppImage packages: Runs as portable version of software from disk image. Does not require installation at all! However, fuse component must be installed (appears that Fedora already has it, On Ubuntu use sudo apt install fuse). Using AppImage does not require any additional Linux components as well. The image contains everything.

(RPM) (DEB) (AppImage)
macOSMac OS X 13.0 arm64 or later (Apple Chip)(dmg) (pkg)
macOSMac OS X 13.0 x64 or later (Intel Chip)(dmg) (pkg)
WindowsWindows 10 or later (x64)ODA File Converter for Windows x64

ODA File Converter application features a graphical interface and a command-line interface, and accepts the following inputs:

  • Source directory
  • Target directory
  • Input file filter such as *.dwg (default is "*.dwg;*.dxf")
  • Output version/type
  • Recursive flag
  • Audit flag 
Please note
  • Upon execution, the application identifies all files in the specified source directory that match the specified filter, then loads and saves each of these files to the specified output directory as the specified output version/type.
    • If the audit flag is enabled, an audit/repair operation will be applied to each file as it is loaded.
    • If the recursive flag is enabled, subdirectories within the source directory will be processed recursively.