BimRv SDK Exports to JSON Files (Part 1 of 2)

Alexander Odnorog

January 02, 2020

It’s common for ODA members to exchange data between multiple file formats, including both older and newer file formats. One example is using BimRv SDK to export .rvt/.rfa files to JSON format files. Using the TB_JsonExport module, you can export the following:

  • All parameters contained in ListParam for all objects in the model
  • Hierarchy of objects in the model

The TB_JsonExport module is used in the BmJsonExportEx sample application, which is a console application that demonstrates the export capabilities with the following startup parameters:

  • Input file — .rfa or .rvt file (required).
  • Output file — .Json file (optional).
  • Element handle — OdDbHandle of an OdBmElement for export (optional).
  • Flag — Use -p for exporting properties; use -h for exporting the object hierarchy. Must be the last argument (required).

The export example also works in the OdaBimApp sample application.

Exporting Parameters and Properties to a JSON Format File

To export parameters and properties:

  1. Open OdaBimApp and load any .rvt file.
  2. Choose File -> Export Property To Json.
  3. Select the path and name for the resulting .Json file.




It is also possible to export parameters for one specific object:

  1. Right-click the desired object in the Element Table.
  2. Choose Export Property for this Element.
  3. Select the path and name for the resulting .Json file.


ODA BIM parameter for specific object


You can also select one of the drawn objects in the Viewer:

  1. Choose Vectorize.
  2. Right-click the desired object.
  3. Choose Export Property for this Element.
  4. Select the path and name for the resulting .Json file.


ODA BIM export parameter


The result of exporting the parameters is a .Json file with this structure:


JSON file with the structure


The next article in this series will contain an example of exporting the hierarchy to a .Json file.