Create a Lofted 3D Solid

Yurii Pylnyk

July 16, 2020

A 3D solid is an object that can be created as a basic primitive, or as an extruded, swept, revolved, or lofted profile. This article describes the different ways you can loft a profile to create a 3D solid.

Lofting is used to create a 3D solid object from a set curves — cross section curves. There are different parameters that influence the solid’s shape, specifically the path curve and guide curves.

The class OdDb3dSolid has a method for creating a lofted solid:

virtual OdResult createLoftedSolid (OdDbEntityPtrArray& crossSectionCurves,
    OdDbEntityPtrArray&  guideCurves, OdDbEntity* pPathCurve, OdDbLoftOptions& loftOptions );

The createLoftedSolid method creates a lofted solid from input profiles using the lofted options. The cross sections, path curves, and guide curves can be points, curves, edges, or a set of connected edges. The parameters are:

  • crossSectionCurves — Input array of cross section profiles that are used for lofted solid creation.
  • guideCurves — Input array of guide curves that influence a solid’s shape (optional).
  • pPathCurve — Input curve that influences a solid’s shape (optional).
  • loftOptions — Input loft options.

The method returns eOk if the 3D solid is created successfully or an appropriate error code in the other case.

Here is a code example:

OdDbLoftOptions loftOptions; // loft options
OdDb3dSolidPtr pSolid = OdDb3dSolid::createObject(); // resulting 3d solid
OdDbEntityPtr pPathCurve = pDb->getObject… // input object
OdDbEntityPtrArray crossSectionCurves = pDb->getObjects() // input objects
OdDbEntityPtrArray guideCurvesArray = pDb->getObjects() // input objects
OdResult res = pSolid->createLoftedSolid(crossSectionCurves, guideCurvesArray, NULL, loftOptions); // creates solid from only cross section curves, or from cross section curves with guide curves(if these curves are presented).
res = pSolid->createLoftedSolid(crossSectionCurves, guideCurvesArray, pPathCurve, loftOptions); // creates solid from only cross section curves, or from cross section curves with path curve(if it is presented ).

A lofted solid created from cross section curves only:

A lofted solid created from cross section curves only


A lofted solid created from cross section curves and a path curve:

A lofted solid created from cross section curves and a path curve


A lofted solid created from cross section curves and guide curves:

A lofted solid created from cross section curves and guide curves:


To experiment with creating a lofted solid, use the createloftedsolid command in ExCustObjs. You can create a lofted solid with different sets of parameters:

  • Only cross section curves
  • Cross section curves and a path curve
  • Cross section curves and guide curves

The functionality is available only in SpaModeler (based on the Spatial library).