To use our SDKs in your own CAD solution you need to join our community. To do this please:
- Go to pricing page;
- Select the membership level that matches your distribution model (Commercial - for desktop/mobile application with less than 100 copies of the end-user product per year; Sustaining - for unlimited distribution of desktop/mobile apps or web/saas solutions distribution; Founding - if you additionally wish to get access to the source code of the SDKs);
- Select additional components if you need ones (BimRv - for .rvt/.rfa formats support; BimNv - for .nwc, .nwd, .nwf formats support; Civil, Mechanical, Map - for Civil, Mechanical or Map extensions of the .dwg format);
- Review the membership terms using the link "Printable contract" in the right top part of the screen under the "Membership Level" block;
- Click Apply for membership;
- Fill in the data;
- Wait for the invoice for the first year membership fee and pay it.