All Teigha Mechanical entity properties are based on standards. Standards contain information about each entity, such as color, linetype, lineweight, font size, font color, etc. These are the currently supported standards:
- ISO (International standard)
- ANSI (American standard)
- DIN (German standard)
- GB (Chinese standard)
- JIS (Japanese standard)
- BSI (British standard)
- CSN (Czech standard)
- GOST (Russian standard, partially supported)
Each entity has its own standard, which is based on a common standard but can overwrite some properties. This is useful if you want to change the font color or type of a set of entities that have the same type.
Some entities, such as welding and datum target entities, can contain services that depend on a standard. These services can be the same or have small differences, but some of them are totally different. For example, seam welding is completely different in JIS and ISO standards.
Acm:: kSeamWeld in JIS standard |
Acm:: kSeamWeld in ISO standard |
Some features are unique for a certain standard. For example, the Acm::kConsInsert service exists only in the ANSI standard.
Here is a list of standards that are related to entities:
- AcmSurfTextStd
- AcmFCFStd
- AcmWeldingStd
- AcmIdStd
- AcmDatumStd
- AcmBOMStd
- AmdtDetailSymStd
- AmdtDetailSymStdCustom
- AmdtCenterLineStd
- AmdtThreadLineStd
- AmdtNoteStd
- AcmTaperStd
- AmdtAnViewStd
- AmdtEdgeStd
- AcAmgLayStd
- AcAmgDimStd
- AcAmgHoleChartStd
- AcAmgTitleStd
In the future, the list of supported standards will be extended. The following standards are planned for implementation:
- AFNOR (French standard)
- AS (Australian standard)
- CNS (Taiwan standard)
- IS (Indian standard)
- KS (Korean standard)
- PN (Poland standard)
- SFS (Finnish standard)
- SS (Swedish standard)
- STN (Slovakian standard)
- UNI (Italian standard)
- GOST (Russian standard, full support)