ODA BimNv SDK: Save Viewpoints

Vadim Asandiy

May 11, 2023

To access saved viewpoints in NWD/NWC files, use the method OdResult OdNwDatabase::getSavedViewsElements(OdNwObjectIdArray& aSavedViewsElementIds) const:

OdNwDatabasePtr pDb;
OdNwObjectIdArray aSavedViewElements;
if (pDb->getSavedViewsElements(aSavedViewElements) == eOk)


All of these objects are derived from the OdNwSavedItem class:

for (OdInt32 i = 0; i < aSavedViewElements.size(); i++)
OdNwSavedItemPtr pSI = aSavedViewElements[i].openObject();


Each saved item has a common property set:

OdArray<OdNwComment> aComments = pSI->getCommentCollection();
for (OdInt32 i = 0; i < aComments.size(); i++)
  OdNwComment& comment = aComments[i];
  //comment author
  OdString sAuthor = comment.getAuthor();
  //comment's content
  OdString sBody = comment.getBody();
  //when this comment was created
  tm createDate = comment.getCreateDate();
  //is this comment – new, active, approved or resolved
  NwCommentStatus::Enum status = comment.getStatus();
OdString sSIName = pSI->getDisplayName();
OdGUID guidSI = pSI->getGuID();
OdNwObjectId parentId = pSI->getParentId();
  • Comment list — Get by using the method OdArray<OdNwComment> getCommentCollection() const.
  • Saved item's name — Get by using the method OdString getDisplayName() const..
  • Global GUID — Get by using the method OdGUID getGuID() const.
  • Parent of current item — Get by using the method OdNwObjectId getParentId() const, which accesses the hierarchy of the saved item's root tree structure.


Saved viewpoints can be any of the following:

  • Folder item, which contains nested saved items as children:
    if (pSI->isA() == OdNwSavedFolderItem::desc())
    OdNwSavedFolderItemPtr pFolder = OdNwSavedFolderItem::cast(pSI);
    OdNwObjectIdArray aChildren;
    if (pFolder->getChildren(aChildren) == eOk)
      for (OdInt32 i = 0; i < aChildren.size(); i++)
        OdNwSavedItem pChildSI = aChildren[i].openObject();
  • One frame cut from an animation:
    if (pSI->isA() == OdNwSavedViewpointAnimationCut::desc())
      OdNwSavedViewpointAnimationCutPtr pAnimCut = OdNwSavedViewpointAnimationCut::cast(pSI);
      double cutDelay = pAnimCut-> getDelay();
  • An animation, which can contain nested saved items as children:
    if (pSI->isA() == OdNwSavedViewpointAnimation::desc())
    OdNwSavedViewpointAnimationPtr pAnim = OdNwSavedViewpointAnimation::cast(pSI);
    OdInt32 loopPlayback = pAnim->getLoopPlayback();
    NwAnimationSmoothing::Enum smoothing = pAnim->getSmoothing();
    OdNwObjectIdArray aChildren;
    if (pAnim->getChildren(aChildren) == eOk)
    for (OdInt32 i = 0; i < aChildren.size(); i++)
      OdNwSavedItem pChildSI = aChildren[i].openObject();
  • Retrieved saved viewpoints with parameters, cutting plains, redline data, and override appearance information:
    if (pSI->isA() == OdNwSavedViewpoint::desc())
      OdNwSavedViewpointPtr pSavedViewpoint = OdNwSavedViewpoint::cast(pSI);
      // get viewpoint
      OdNwViewpoint pView = pSavedViewpoint->getViewpointId().openObject();
      // get section data
      OdNwClipPlaneSetPtr pClipPlane = pSavedViewpoint->getClippingPlanesId().openObject();
      // get redline data if saved viewpoints has
      OdNwObjectIdArray aRedLines;
      // get override appearance info for this saved viewpoint
      OdNwObjectIdArray aHiddensMIs;
      OdNwObjectIdArray aRequiredsMIs;
      pSavedViewpoint->getRequireds (aRequiredsMIs);
      OdUInt32 cntOfAppearanceOverride = pSavedViewpoint->getAppearanceOverrideCount();
      OdNwObjectIdArray aOverrideAppearanceMIs;
      OdNwObjectId matId;
      pSavedViewpoint->getAppearanceOverride(0, aOverrideAppearanceMIs, matId);


Example code that shows how to work with saved viewpoints can be found in the Nw2Visualize plugin source code.

For example, to import saved viewpoints from an NWD file:

  1. Run OdVisualizeViewer and when opening an NWD/NWC file, mark Import Saved Viewpoints

  2. All saved viewpoints without redlines are imported as TvCamera objects to Database > Models > Service Models > Model <$ODA_TVVIEWER_SAVEDVIEWS>.

  3. Here is the saved viewpoint hierarchy from Autodesk® Navisworks®:

  4. To set a saved viewpoint as the active view, select the needed camera in the Visualize Object Explorer and assign it as the active view from the properties window:

  5. See the comparison of views in Navisworks and OdVisualizeViewer:
    • internals

      View in Navisworks View in OdVisualizeViewer

    • rear drive
      View in Navisworks View in OdVisualizeViewer

    • overview

 Find out more in our documentation: https://docs.opendesign.com/bimnv/bimnv_saving_viewpoints.html