Work with Multi-Threading

Vadim Asandiy

May 26, 2023

For multi-threaded loading and regeneration, BimNv SDK uses the Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) library.

Multi-Threaded Loading

By default, the thread count is obtained from the ODA thread pool. But if you need to set the thread count while loading files in multi-thread mode, override the method virtual int numThreads(OdDb::MultiThreadedMode mtMode) from OdDbBaseHostAppServices. For example:

class MyServices : public OdNwHostAppServices
  //method for setting thread count
  void setNumThreads(int numThreads)
    m_numThreads = numThreads;

  // override method for getting thread count
  int numThreads(OdDb::MultiThreadedMode mtMode) override
    int numThrs = 1;
    bool bEnabled = false;
    switch (mtMode)
      case OdDb::kMTLoading:
      bEnabled = GETBIT(getMtMode(), 1);
    if (bEnabled)
      numThrs = m_numThreads;
      return numThrs;

    int m_numThreads;

To open a file in multi-thread mode, use following code:

OdNwHostAppServices* pHostApp;
OdString nwFile;
OdInt16 nMode = pHostApp->getMtMode();

//set mt loading mode
SETBIT_1(nMode, 1);
MyServices* pMyHostApp = dynamic_cast<MyServices*>(pHostApp);

//if our pHostApp contain override method for thread count's getting – then set 8 threads, for example
if (pMyHostApp != nullptr)
OdNwDatabasePtr pDb = pHostApp->readFile(nwFile);

The following table shows the time decrease in multi-threaded loading when compared with single-threaded mode:

  Partial loading Full loading
  st vs mt2 st vs mt4 st vs mt8 st vs mt2 st vs mt4 st vs mt8
-9% -20% -16% -7% -35% -38%


Multi-Threaded Regeneration

For multi-threaded regeneration while using Gi/Gs vectorization, you can set the thread count as a GS device property:

OdNwHostAppServices* pHostApp;
OdGsDevicePtr pDevice;
OdString nwFile;
OdUInt32 mtRegenThreadCnt;
OdNwDatabasePtr pDb = pHostApp->readFile(nwFile);
// Initialize GsDevice and set additional properties to GiContext
OdRxDictionaryPtr devProperties = pDevice->properties();
devProperties->putAt(OD_T("EnableMultithread"), OdRxVariantValue(true));
devProperties->putAt(OD_T("MaxRegenThreads"), OdRxVariantValue(static_cast<OdUInt16>(mtRegenThreadCnt)));
//now update of Gs device is going in mt-regen mode

For off-screen vectorization devices, set the GS device property ForcePartialUpdate to true:

devProperties->putAt(OD_T("ForcePartialUpdate"), OdRxVariantValue(true));

The following table shows the time decrease in multi-threaded regeneration when compared with single-threaded mode:

  st vs mt2 st vs mt4 st vs mt8
-28% -45% -42%

The following hardware was used to get the statistics:

  • Intel® Core™ i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz; 1 socket, 4 cores, 8 logical processors
  • 32GB RAM, speed 2133MHz
  • HDD

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