Core package


A complete and affordable solution
for professional STEP interoperability

PDES Free 60-Day Trial

Core capabilities

BETADWGSTEP conversionProduction: JULY ‘24

Conversion to other file formats

B-Rep conversion into ODA Solid Modeler bodies

SDAI and format-dependent validation

Stand-alone geometry visualization including 2D, B-Rep (10303-42)

PMI data visualization (AP242)

.NET wrapper


Supported EXPRESS schemas

The ODA EXPRESS Runtime supports any EXPRESS-based format using a common API

Tested with AP203/AP214/AP238/AP242 and CIS/2 schemas

  • Runtime Schema initialization
    from EXPRESS file

  • Access to all meta-data defined by EXPRESS schema

  • ODA C++ late bound API, ISO-10303-24 SDAI
    for access to model data

  • Early-Bound access using generated classes
    for established schemas

    BETA: July ‘24
  • Read/write STEP data from/to SPF/HDF5/XML.
    ZIP versions supported.

  • Derived Attributes/Where Rules and Global Rules evaluation
    with EXPRESS interpreter

Geometry visualization

  • ISO10303-42 Geometric and Topological representation
  • StepX (Step XML) assembly based on Domain Model express schema visualization
  • PMI/Dimensions of AP242


  • 导入

    • DWG
    • AP203/AP214/AP242
  • STEP

  • 导出

    • DWG
    • OBJ
    • 2D PDF, 3D PDF
    • STL
    • AP203/AP214/AP242


  • Production

    • PMI data visualization


    • STEP advanced_brep to ODA Solid Modeler bodies conversion

    2022 December

  • Production

    • Compressed STEP files support


    • DWG to STEP
    • STEP to DWG

    2023 December

  • Production

    • DWG to STEP
    • STEP to DWG
    • StepX Assembly with JT Insertions


    • Early-Bound access using generated classes for established schemas

    2024 July


Visualize STEP data on the desktop or from any web-based application

  • Visual Styles

    Use different visual styles to customize your rendering of silhouettes, obscured (hidden) edges, transparency and more.

  • 性能

    Spatial filtering and other performance enhancing techniques provide fast visualization of STEP data, even for large models.

  • 导航

    Use a set of standard features for navigating through a model such as zoom, pan, 3d rotation and more.

  • Materials and Lighting

    Use materials and lighting effects to create a high-quality, realistic visual representation of a model.

  • More about ODA Visualize

Under development Collaborate on web with Open Cloud

Fast visualization of STEP models in any WebGL-enabled browser

More about ODA Open Cloud


Publish STEP models to 3D PDF or 2D PDF

More about ODA Publish Interactive 3D or standard 2D documentation 100% compatible with ISO standards and Adobe tools Create PRC-based 3D PDF documents with full B-rep models Add animation, interactive views, parts lists, and more